The Difference Working With Attorney Cushane
It’s often been said that it takes a cop to know a cop. That’s why when it comes to representing law enforcement officers like you, my twelve-year career as a police officer and the six years that I served as a union president permit me to speak with heightened insight, knowledge, authority, and conviction regarding the everyday challenges of what law enforcement officers refer to simply as “The Job.”
I founded my law firm with one goal in mind: to provide law enforcement officers throughout New Jersey with the pragmatic, forward-thinking advice, guidance, and counsel they need to solve their legal problems—be they targets of an internal affairs investigation, applicants in a PFRS disability-pension pension case, or plaintiffs in a collective bargaining dispute with their employer.
There are thousands of law firms in New Jersey, but not all law firms share my firm’s core philosophy and uncompromising work ethic. We don’t believe, for example, in sacrificing the quality of our work product for the sake of quickly moving on to the next case. My team and I instead devote whatever time it takes to achieve our clients’ objectives and win their confidence and trust.
We employ only the best licensed professionals and subject-matter experts to assist us in presenting the best-possible case for our clients, including experienced certified public accountants, registered municipal auditors, and licensed healthcare analysts to help us design even the most complex salary guides, cost-out projections, and healthcare comparisons to give us the winning edge at the bargaining table and in interest arbitration. We find money in budgets where others cannot.
We make it a priority to call our clients back promptly, no matter how busy we are. It’s part of our commitment to being accessible—a quality that our clients tell us they appreciate in their lawyer.
And when it comes to legal fees, I know that police officers often live paycheck to paycheck—just as I did when I wore the uniform. My comprehensive, all-inclusive, one-of-a-kind Law Enforcement Legal Services Plan is specifically designed to slash the high costs of both grievance and unfair-practice litigation, lessen the financially unpredictable nature of protracted collective negotiations, and make smart, effective labor representation affordable to even the smallest of law enforcement unions. No other law firm in New Jersey does what we do.
It takes commitment, pride, and unrelenting self-discipline to maintain such high professional standards. But despite its challenges, it is a calling that we relish. Our ultimate reward is the satisfaction of our clients and of a job well done.
I invite you to call me personally at (844) 497-1693 when you find yourself in need of a talented and motivated lawyer. My firm’s services are available throughout all of New Jersey’s twenty-one counties.
My staff and I are eager to serve as your trusted advocates—effectively, efficiently, and enthusiastically.